学术参议院 Parliamentary Procedures



  • 不迟于周一向参议院主席提交参议院议程建议 prior to a Senate Meeting.
  • 决议必须在参议院召开会议前至少7天提交给参议院主席 会议.
  • Post Senate agendas in division office.
  • 至少提前24小时向参议院主席阅读会议记录草案和电子邮件更正 to the next 会议.
  • Read Senate materials prior to arriving at Senate.
  • Actively participate in Senate discussions.
  • Post approved minutes in division office.
  • Report Senate information at division 会议s.
  • 邀请学部的教员参加委员会和工作小组.
  • 就问题和关注点进行调查,并向参议院报告调查结果.
  • 参加参议院表彰仪式[或其他活动]

Compliance with the Open Meetings Acts

参议院会议遵循《ag体育》(政府法典)的要求 §§54950-54960.5), also called the 拉尔夫·米. 布朗, as well as the Bagley-Keene Act (Gov. Code §11120 et seq.), cited as the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act governing “state bodies.” These two laws have direct bearing on how the Senate must conduct business. You will want to familiarize yourself with these 两幕,可以在很多网站上找到,包括http://www.oeginfo.ca.政府(点击 on “California Law”).

Setting and Posting 议程s

《ag体育》概述了在会议上发布议程的法律责任 least 72 hours prior to a 会议. 日程安排贴在附寄的外部公告上 200号楼的公告板,大厅,收发室,还有电子邮件 the Senate webpage. 建议的议程项目必须提交参议院主席 the Monday prior to the Thursday Senate 会议. The Executive Committee, chaired 由学术/教务参议院主席主持,负责制定、协调参议院议程 参议院委员会向参议院报告并建议采取行动.


Meetings start on time with one rap of the gavel. Senate President says: “The 会议 will come to order.出席会议的人数必须达到法定人数,会议方可开始. 法定人数是一半加上一个有投票权的学术/教务委员会成员. If there is not a quorum, the Senate can:

  1. Fix the time to adjourn,
  2. 休会,
  3. 课间休息,或者
  4. Take steps to obtain a quorum

如果紧急事务需要采取行动,必须在稍后的会议上批准 a quorum is present.

The Handling of a Motion

  1. A senator makes a “motion,” Says, “I move 那。”;
  2. Another senator seconds it. 说,“第二个”;
  3. The Chair states the question (motion);
  4. The Chair asks for discussion;
  5. 主席将问题付诸表决(要求“赞成”和“反对”);
  6. 主席宣布结果并分配责任.


修改ments must be germane, i.e. closely related to the pending motion.

Call the Question: Motion to stop debate and vote.

Bylaws cannot be suspended.

法定人数:有权投票的参议员人数,必须出席才能合法地进行投票 transact business. 学术/教务委员会会议的法定人数为一人 一半加上一个有投票权的学术/教务委员会成员.


Majority: Means more than half.



Proper Form for Use by Chair and Senators

  1. 主要的运动: SDAMR (S=Second Required, D=有争议的, A=可修正的, M=多数投票, R=可以考虑) to introduce business. 只有当没有其他业务待处理时才能移动.

参议员:先生. President (or appropriate title)

Chair: The chair recognizes…

Senator: I move 那。(Second Required)

Chair: It is moved and seconded 那。

(D) Chair: Is there any discussion?

Chair: Are you ready for the question?

(M) Chair: All those in favor, say Aye. (停顿)

Chair: Those opposed, say Nay. (停顿)

Chair: The Ayes have it and the motion is adopted.






Chair: Is there any further business?

Chair: The next Item of Business is…

  1. Postpone Indefinitely: SDMR + 拒绝动议.



  1. 修改: SDAMR Modify wording of pending motion.

(S) Senator: I move to amend the motion by…

inserting…before (or after)

adding…(at end of motion)

striking…(delete word or words)

striking…and inserting

substituting…(substitute motion)


  1. 引用或提交: SDAMR To allow further study.


(如果是专门委员会,可以指定委员会、主席、委员人数和委员的名称 members are to be appointed or elected.


  1. Postpone Definitely: SDAMR Move to a later time.

(S) Senator: I move to postpone the motion until…


  1. Limit or Extend Debate: SATR 监管的辩论 (* T = 2/3投票)

参议员:我提议将辩论限制(或延长)到…… 或时间)


  1. Call the Question: STR To stop debate and vote.

(S) Senator: I move the previous question.


  1. Table: SM Set aside temporarily.

(S) Senator: I move to lay the motion on the table.


  1. Call For Orders of the Day: IC 遵循议程.

Senator: I call for the Orders of the Day.

Chair: The orders of the day have been called for. If there is no objection, we will proceed to the proper order of business. (If put to a vote, requires 2/3 vote not to conform to agenda.)

  1. 课间休息:山姆 Short intermission in proceedings.

(S) Senator: I move that we recess for…



  1. 休会: SM To adjourn or close the 会议.

(S) Senator: I move we adjourn.



  1. Fix Time to Which To 休会:纳德 设定暂停的会议开始的时间.


(问)主席:有人提议并附议,当我们休会时,我们休会到……时间开会 (在没有特权的情况下,这是一个附带的主要运动,受规则约束 SDAMR)

  1. 顺序点: IC To call the Chair to order.

Senator: Point of order.

Chair: State your point of order. (反应). Your point of order is well taken. (椅子 Corrects error), or

Chair: Your point of order is not well taken. (椅子 proceeds, subject to appeal).

  1. 上诉: ISDMR To challenge decision of the chair.




  1. Suspend The Rules: ST Set rules aside temporarily.

(S) Senator: I move to suspend the rules to…


  1. Object to Consideration of the Question: IT-FI 阻止考虑原来的主要动议.

参议员:我反对考虑这个问题. (Must interrupt speaker before he starts discussion).

(D)主席:有人反对审议这个问题. Shall the question 被认为是? (Requires 2/3 in negative not to consider).

  1. Division of the Question:山姆 划分运动.

参议员:我提议将这个问题分开审议ag体育……和的动议 那。

(D)主席:动议和附议将问题分开审议 (每一部分都必须能独立存在).

  1. Consider Seriatim:山姆 Consider by paragraph.

